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Needing a new strategy, our Client was thrilled when they received their strategic plan from Nine Dots. It included mini-business cases and a prioritised tactical plan that showed them how to save $600k per annum plus a new business enabling path.

With a number of plans to migrate to new operational and functional solutions, our Client decided they needed some certainty. The strategic plan answered the questions:

  • What do our business users need?
  • Are there opportunities that we should include?
  • We have lots of initiatives planned, which should we undertake?
  • Is there a way to prioritise the opportunities?
  • What are tangible and intangible benefits of each opportunity?
  • Can we define a business case for these opportunities?

It didn’t happen overnight but we carefully went about:

  • analysing today – what’s good and what’s not so good
  • baselining financials – qualifying and quantifying current expenditure
  • exploring global trends
  • asking staff for their input both as users and as members of a business unit
  • defining “utopia”
  • quantifying the potential cost and benefits of change
  • listing and challenging the identifying opportunities
  • prioritising the opportunities
  • developing the road-map with dependencies and mini-business cases

The result was a clear and simple strategic plan that defined opportunities, the order in which they should be undertaken and the tangible and intangible benefits of progressing.

The power of Strategic Planning results from:

  • the approach,
  • the objectivity
  • the expertise and
  • taking the time to listen and interpret business and user needs

We’re not going to tell you its easy but with the right partner at your side any organisation can have a prioritised strategic plan that empowers their business, their users and supports the customer/client  interaction in a way that satisfies stakeholders. Contact Us to find out if we can help you.

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